new materials and technologies in masonry,    andassembly of sandwood and faience plates;
KNAUF-type plasterboard-walls and finishes;
cased ceilings systems OWA;
covers systems BRAMAC;
garret windows VELUX;
execution and assembly of PVC and alluminium    woodwork, with Termopan windows;
   Heating installations
    new heating systems and technologies, using:       copper, plastic and multi-layer pipes
    stand and mural boilers
    modern burners
    heating installation adjustment
Sanitary installations
cold-hot water sewerage installation systems
new materials and technologies in the field of    sanitary installations, using: copper, plastic    and multi-layer pipes
adjustment and security fittings
modern pumps, with variable revolution,    submersible pumps
pumping stations and hydrophore installations
    PC use
   Modern languages
    german language