Mein Bild vom frieden 2023-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000154048 ERASMUS � partner      
prezentare proiect Pace - Informatii fundamentale
POCU/726/6/12/134947 � partner principal       FIT - Formarea - Idee pentru Transformare
prezentare proiect
POSDRU/182/2.3/S/154713 � partner principal       Cursuri de calificare in domenii inovative
      pentru angajatii fostelor zone industrializate din Regiunile Vest si Centru
prezentare proiect Comunicat presa 1 Arhiva Comunicat presa Arhiva Newsletter Comunicat presa final proiect Ghid de bune practici
POSDRU/125/5.1/S/134796 � partner principal       Solutii inovatoare de (re)integrare a somerilor si persoanelor pe piata muncii
prezentare proiect Invitatie Conferinta Presa Comunicat presa Newsletter1
POSDRU/ 110/5.2/G/88353 � partner principal       Dezvoltarea antreprenoriala din mediul rural prin masuri active de ocupare
     in domeniul constructiilor si comertului�
POSDRU/80/2.3/S/55896 � partner principal - Competente la nivel european pentru cresterea ocupabilitatii angajatilor si a competitivitatii firmelor din domeniul constructiilor, prin metode inovative de formare profesionala continua
POSDRU/67/5.1/S/22929 - CGOFM-MICT � partner principal -Cresterea gradului de ocupare a fortei de munca prin masuri integrate �n cooperare transnationala
LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-RO-016 - Gender & Diversity in VET� project promoter Materializarea abordarii integrate a problemei de gen si diversitatii,obiective teoretice aplicate �n practica. Un sistem de transfer �n trei societati Europene diferite
PHARE nr 2005/017-553. - project promoter " Formarea profesional� �n management, conditie pentru pregatirea mediului de afaceri din zona de Vest la nivelul impus de Uniunea European�

Leonardo da Vinci II - 2004- RO / 04/B/F/PP 175045 -
[citeste mai mult]

PHARE 2000 - RO.0007. -
"Centrul de Formare Profesionala Beius" - project promoter

Leonardo da Vinci I - RO/98/2/05853/PI/II.1.1.b/FPC -
Development of the Alternative Training System Involving SME - - project promoter

Phare PAEM - 1997 -
Program de masuri active pentru combaterea somajului - project coordinator
ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Nr. 2021-1-SK01-KA220-ADU-000027027 - partner Power Saving Check goes Citizens - Innovative climate protection
through targeted adult education and the implementation of Power Saving Checks
EINHEIT: Europa - Einheit, Menschenwurde und Solidaritat - Nur ein Traum? - UNITATE: Europa - Unitate, Demnitate umana si Solidaritate - Doar un vis? - Proiect finantat de Uniunea EUROPEANA prin programul Europa pentru cetateni
Presentation Discurs_Viceprimar Cosmin Tabara Document de impuls Document de impuls_proiect
ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Nr. 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063983 � partner
Upskilling adults 45+, with migrant background
Prezentare Need analisys report Romania Articol_Competente trasversale Handbook IO2_video
FLAGGE zeigen! - Sa fluturam drapelul ! - Proiect finantat de Uniunea EUROPEANA prin programul Europa pentru cetateni
chestionar  interpretare_chestionar  invitatie_eseu
eseuri cel_mai_bun_eseu doc_impuls
NEW WALLS BROKEN - Noi ziduri daramate - Proiect finantat de Uniunea EUROPEANA prin programul Europa pentru cetateni
Prezentare flyer Document de impuls Impuslpapier Essay_Mecher Anne Essay_Uliu Madalina-Teodora Template NM
Demokratie in der Krise - Democratia in criza - Proiect finantat de Uniunea EUROPEANA prin programul Europa pentru cetateni
prezentation imagini reactii document_de_pozitie Template_DE Template_RO
Incurajarea masurilor de eficienta energetica in Georgia, Moldova si Romania - Proiect finantat de Fundatia Federala de Mediu din Germania (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) DBU in cadrul unui proiect al URBIS FOUNDATION si al partenerului WECF
flyer articol presa articol1 articol2
ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships for youth � partner PODIGIKOM" � "Pornografie-Kompetenz im Alltag der sozialen Arbeit"
Pressemitteilung (Comunicate presa);
spot radio 1;
spot radio 2;
spot radio_de10xRomania
Testare TABU Eveniment multiplicatori Multiplikatoren Veranstaltung document_de_pozitie
ERASMUS+ Projekt Nr. 2016-1-BG01-KA202-023737 � partner Fokus Dual � Strategische Kooperation zwischen Wirtschaft und Berufsbildung f�r duale Ausbildung
flyer Brosura angajatori Curriculum ToT Curriculum instructori Metode de training
FRIEDEN - PACEA - Proiect finantat de Uniunea EUROPEANA prin programul Europa pentru catateni
prezentation biografii denumiri strazi raport proiect
ERASMUS+ Projekt Nr. 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002427 � partner IpuS - Let�s talk about Porno � Aufkl�rung von Internetpornografie und Sexting im Familienalltag
comunicat presa intalnire multiplicatori
ERASMUS+ Projekt Nr. 2015-1-ES01-KA202-016003 � partner H&S Games � Serious Games on Health and Safety for mobile learning
prezentation ;
Film promo
Projekt ST(NS)ASI � partner � Protejarea drepturilor personale, demnitatea umana inainte si dupa caderea zidului
ERASMUS+ Project Nr. 2014-1-DE02-KA204-001553 � partner Power Saving Check - Consultant pentru economisirea energiei si implementarea masurilor de economisire a energiei �n gospodariile cu venituri reduse
prezentare parteneri Workshop 1 invitatie curs Workshop2 Curs Blended Learnig
ERASMUS+ Projekt Nr. 2014-2-DE04-KA205-001642 � partner Schau hin � Cybermobbing, Sexting, Posing, Grooming im Alltag der Jugend-Sozialarbeit
prezentation partners comunicat presa
Programul de Cooperare Elvetiano-Roman, Nr: 82/23.06.2014 � partner - Community centers for Lifelong Learning � an integrated approach to overcome economic, social and educational disparities in rural areas from the West region of Romania
Prezentare proiect Invitatie evenimente Comunicate presa
POSDRU/164/2.3/S/138898 � partner - Cresterea calific�rii lucr�torilor de finis�ri in constructii prin participarea la cursuri de calificare in domeniile lucr�tor finisor pentru constructii si mozaicar-faiantar
POSDRU/164/2.3/S/136844 � partner - Calificarea - un pas important in dezvoltarea carierei profesionale pentru angaja�ii din regiunile Vest si Centru
Plan C | against cyber-bullying in europe w
Ar.Key - Augmented Reality applied to training on key competences - 2013-1-ES1-LEO05-66235
Flyer Manual Pilot test report
VERBRANNT- ARDERE - Proiect finantat de Uniunea EUROPEANA prin programul Europa pentru catateni
Aspecte Conferinta Aspecte CTV Aspecte Stradal Aspecte UVT Flyer
PLAN 2.0 - Professionalization of pedagogic personnel in adult education for parents' critically reflected dealing with media - 2012-1-DE2-GRU06-11431 2
PROVE (PROject-VET - EUROPE) Improving Quality Assurance Of Eu-Project Management in VET Sector - LLPLdV/PAR/2012/RO/095/ 2012-1-DE2-LEO04-11649 6
DETIC - 2012-1-TR1-LEO05-35165
SILVER LIVING - DE/11/LLP-LdV/TOI/147 404/ 2011-1-DE2-LEO05-08031 Abordarea provocarilor demografice si oferirea posibilitatii unei vieti independente si comfortabile pentru toti - fara bariere!
Flyer RO Flyer DE Document1 Document2 Document3 TEST1 TEST2
SOLARIS PLUS - DE/11/LLP-LdV/2/147 422/2011-1-DE2-LEO05-08021 - Innovative modulare Ausbildung zur Fachkraft f�r Regenerative Energien
- Formare profesionala modularizata pentru muncitori calificati �n Energii Regenerative
prezentare proiect Flyer Newsletter1 Newsletter2 Newsletter3
DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147362 - VETwin-winModel- partener - Realizarea intrepatrunderii formarii profesionale cu perfectionarea profesionala din intreprindere, cheia pentru dezvoltarea de competente in centre de formare profesionala si in intreprinderi
. "VETwin-winModel� este un proiect de transfer de inovare finantat prin programul Leonardo da Vinci.
prezentarea proiectului
GRU-10-P-LP-146-TM-DE � partner -Development of a European approach for parents critically reflected dealing whit media
POSDRU/ 97/6.3/S/60759 � partner - Scoala Nationala a Femeilor Manager,
LLP-LdV-TOI-2008-LT-0012 - DEMOP � partner -Development of European Modular Training Programs for Decorator/Painter and their Adjustment in Lithuanian and European VET Institutions
POSDRU/52/5.2/G/22957 � partner -Dezvoltarea capitalului uman din mediul rural: garantia succesului de maine al Romaniei
LdV/PAR/2008/RO/037 - EVALU-VET - Exchanging Practices in Institutional Performance Evaluation in Vocational Education & Training
This two-year project, which commenced in September 2008, is funded by the EU's Leonardo da Vinci programme and led by a Turkish partner. Other partners are from Bulgaria, Germany and Romania. The aim of the project is sharing good practice in systems of performance evaluation in vocational education and training.
project presentation national report
The aim is to create a partnership between European countries (Italy, Poland, Germany, Spain, Romania) that have big fluxes/migration of workers. Also to implement a first cooperation between vocational training agencies, trade-union organizations and entrepreneurs in order to design a following project regarding the recognition of informal and non-formal skill and competence in the matter of health and safety into the construction sector.
project presentation
LLP/LdV/ToI/2007/RO/012 - CELINE - partner Content Embedded Literacy for the New Economy.
Alfabetism integrat �n formarea vocationala pentru �Noua Economie�
LLP-LdV/TOI/2007/NO/165.013 Empower Deprived Learners � partner ... a fost creat pentru a creste gradul de constientizare a adultilor slab-calificati si a celor dezavantajati si totodata, pentru a �ntelege valoarea educationala a "�nvatarii auto-dirijate" (SDL) �n Slovenia, Rom�nia si Turcia.
LLP-LDV-TOI-07-IT-307 - Better Building - partner
PHARE 2005/017-553. partner CROSI :Competitiveness-Resources-Opportunities-Strategy-Learning
Active European Citizenschip - Europe-Now-Or-Never - partner Scopul proiectului: descopera-te �n raport cu �Europa�. Acest lucru se va realiza �n cadrul seminariilor, care se organizeaza �n trei state europene. Te invitam sa comentez rezultatele
LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-069 � Enertheach - partner Enerteach: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Buildings

AWARECOMP - Awareness Raising on the Liguisitic and Cultural Competencies acquired informally and non-formally by adults (women and men) in the builidng sector and its neighbouring fields - project partner
[citeste mai mult]

Golden Goal - Competente de baz� & training de comunicare prin activitati sportive integrate"- project partner
[citeste mai mult]

SOCO-VET - Training of Social Competences in VET"- project partner
[citeste mai mult]

Leonardo da Vinci II -
Love language - "How to Attract Participation and Increase Motivation of Young Male Language Learners"- project partner
[citeste mai mult] best/de/leftNav/EU_Projekte/LL.html

Leonardo da Vinci II -
EUROWEB - "Sensitization for European Principles and instruments of Vocational Training"- project partner
[citeste mai mult]

POWAR - political awareness in a changing Europe - project partner
[citeste mai mult]

Leonardo da Vinci II - 2004 146-165 -
EUROSCAFFOLDER - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - A/04/B/F/PP-158.133 -
Learn.Empowerment Self-directed Learning for Low-skilled Unemployed People - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - A/04/B/F/PP-158.132 -
Basic Skills for Work - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - PP 146 2002
BASICON II - Basic Skills for Construction Helpers - project partner

2003 - GWZ/ Baden-W�rttemberg -
"Formarea profesionala pentru tineri defavorizati �n Banat, Rom�nia" - project partner

PHARE 2000 - 10/6327 -
"Cresterea sanselor de integrare sociala a tinerilor care au parasit institutiile de ocrotire, prin masuri integrate de orientare si pregatire profesionala" - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - 112068
PIMM-KMU - PIMM2 - Process Integrated Management Methods For SME - project partner

Youts 2001 -
Hungarian Summer - project partner

Youts 2000 -
Plauener Summer - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - 2002- PP112607 -
Leo TransPIB - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - BG/99/1/086019/PI/I.1.1.e./FPC - "Neue wege der integration benachteiligter jugendlicher und erwachsener in den arbeitsmarkt durch innovative methoden der beruflichen aus- und weiterbildung" - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - D/00/B/F/PP-112108 - "
BASICON - Basic Skills for Construction Helpers" - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - D/00/B/F/PP 112068
PIMM-KMU - PIMM1 - Process Integrated Management Methods For SME - project partner

Leonardo da Vinci II - BG/99/1/086019/PI/I.1.1.e./FPC - "Neue wege der integration benachteiligter jugendlicher und erwachsener in den arbeitsmarkt durch innovative methoden der beruflichen aus- und weiterbildung" - project partner